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Newborn Child Insurance Coverage - Hong Kong

Learn about newborn child coverage in Hong Kong health insurance plans.

As a parent, it is important to give your newborn child the best healthcare possible. The first year of birth can be deemed a critical stage of rapid development for a baby growing into a healthy child. This is where newborn coverage benefits from a medical insurance plan are ideal in providing your infant complete medical coverage. 

It is not unusual to find policies with new infant benefits included within the coverage. Most policies may have a waiting period attached. For instance, waiting periods associated with Newborn benefits can be as little as six months from the beginning of a policy. Wait times for Maternity benefits on the other hand, can be as long as 10 months and imposed at the onset of a plan. Coverage on the delivery of your baby may be refused if you have not completed the required waiting period. In such cases, you can still opt to obtain protection for your new infant through a new born coverage benefit.

Newborn Child Coverage

When adding your infant to your family medical coverage, read the fine print, as all insurers operate differently. In some cases a particular insurance company may allow the inclusion of your child under your health plan for free, some will impose an extra fee on top of your premium, or even offer purchase of coverage per child at a cheaper rate.

Including your infant or newborn under your existing coverage can happen in one of two ways:

Born Into the Plan

This type of inclusion permits your infant to be born into your health insurance policy. Your child can then obtain comprehensive newborn medical coverage for life, irrespective of whether the baby was healthy or not when he or she was born. Provide the insurance providers with information regarding your newborn child within four weeks of birth to provide time for the policy to change. Premiums may rise as you are adding another life to your plan.

Free Benefit

Some Hong Kong health insurance policies offer free benefits to your new infant shortly after birth for a specific time. There can be a time stipulation for the free benefits of up to 30 days after birth. As a result, any health issues acquired during the free benefit will be deemed pre-existing under the new plan and may not be considered for coverage. 

Congenital Birth Defects

Congenital Birth Defects can be defined as any medical conditions that are prevalent from birth which could be due to genetic defects or non-genetic prenatal factors. The severity of Congenital conditions range from minor skin conditions through to life threatening heart defects needing intensive treatments. Congential Birth Defects are can be covered specifically under Hong Kong medical insurance policies.

Congenital birth defects can subdivided into four categories:

  • Hereditary or Genetic
  • Structural or Metabolic
  • Infection
  • Circulatory System, inclusive of heart problems

New born babies that are diagnosed with severe health conditions often puts the parents under tremendous stress. To reduce this agonizing worry, parents have the option of covering their child under a newborn benefit or adding the child to their existing coverage.

Get A Quote

Free quotes on Hong Kong medical insurance plans which incorporate newborn benefits can be found by clicking here. If you require additional information on newborn benefits offered, please contact us.

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