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Hong Kong Outpatient Insurance Plan

Discover what outpatient insurance is, what does it cover and how to find the best health insurance plan. Get quotes and compare plan now!

What is outpatient insurance?

In a nutshell, outpatient insurance covers medical treatment that does not require an overnight stay at a medical facility. Once covered by an outpatient insurance plan, policyholders have the benefit of seeing a doctor, specialist, nurse, or physiotherapist directly by arranging an appointment before attending. The advantage of having this form of insurance cover is that you could save valuable time queuing at a public hospital, which ultimately could delay the necessary treatment you require.


What is outpatient healthcare?

Outpatient healthcare revolves around patient care being done outside of the ward or hospital setting. For instance, patients that require medical attention that is not an emergency, would at first arrange to visit a general outpatient clinic (GOPC) or a private general practitioner (GP), who will then provide an initial diagnosis, followed by care and treatment. If, however, the care provided requires more advanced treatment in which the GP cannot offer, for instance, a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan or a complex blood transfusion, the GP would then refer the patient to a specialist outpatient hospital or clinic of the Hospital Authority.

Recently discharged patients also use outpatient care, for instance, after elective knee surgery patients require follow-up appointments with the surgeon. Outpatient healthcare offers patients with the safest environment to receive treatment in a carefully controlled and designed environment that puts the patient’s experience first.

Visit the Hospital Authority’s website to find out your nearest general outpatient clinic in Hong Kong.

Outpatient benefits coverage

With outpatient benefits coverage, you are entitled to some, if not all of the following treatments and services:

  • Medical practitioner consultation costs
  • Specialist costs
  • Prescription medication
  • Vaccinations
  • Prescribed medications
  • Diagnostic services and tests e.g. X-rays, MRI, CAT scans, etc
  • Scheduled health check-ups
  • Home nursing
  • Rehabilitation e.g. physiotherapy
  • Alternative treatments
  • Wellness and prevention services e.g. psychological counseling, weight-loss programs, etc

Other prominent benefits on an outpatient plan to be aware of include:

Extensive doctor network

An outpatient insurance plan offers some flexibility when it comes to choosing which doctor, specialist, or hospital to visit for certain outpatient care and treatment. This is ideal for individuals that have a preference for the doctor or specialist they want to see, or they simply want the outpatient treatment that is near to their home for convenience. 

 For a list of doctors based in Hong Kong, check the Medical Council of Hong Kong for more details.

Day case procedures and surgery

After a consultation with a doctor before treatment, commonly known as a pre-operative assessment, the surgeon may deem it safer and more beneficial to recommend that the patient comes in for a day case procedure. This involves treatment spanning an hour or two, with the patient ready to head home after the dressing is applied and medication subscribed. The outpatient day procedures are recommended to patients that do not have to stay overnight and can recover in the comfort of their homes.

How to secure an outpatient insurance plan?

Pacific Prime Hong Kong has well-established relationships with the top health insurance companies in the region and globally. This means our experts can offer the widest range of quality outpatient insurance plan options in the market. All our services ranging from the initial consultation with our experts to the comparison and impartial advice given are done so free of charge. Pacific Prime Hong Kong delivers exceptional service to help clients receive the best value possible. Please feel free to contact us if you have any other questions or get a quote with us below.

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