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China Health Insurance

China health insurance solutions from Pacific Prime Hong Kong. Designed for people who work, live in, or travel to China on a regular basis.

China health insurance

Hong Kong and China have a unique relationship, one that sees many people travel to the mainland for work or pleasure on a regular occurrence. In fact, in 2015 the Immigration Department in Hong Kong reported that the passenger throughput at borders between Hong Kong and China was just over 250 million people. If you travel to China on a regular basis, there is a good chance that you may eventually need medical care in the country. Due to increasing costs, it is therefore important to secure a quality China health insurance plan.

Pacific Prime Hong Kong is one of the city's largest health insurance brokers and specializes in helping both companies and individuals secure the best health insurance plan that will see them covered in China.

Your China Health Insurance options

Regardless of whether you travel to China for employment, pleasure, or both there is an insurance solution available for you. Below are the four most common types of health insurance plans secured by people in Hong Kong who spend time in China.

Company sponsored health insurance

Offering employees a robust group health insurance plan in China is quickly becoming one of the most sought after benefits, and best ways to attract and retain the best talent in the country.

If you own or manage a business with operations in China you should be aware that you are legally required to contribute to all resident's social security plans which includes a medical insurance fund.

While contributions are mandatory for both employees and employers, the coverage provided by the social security system is usually not adequate which means many companies prefer to secure group health insurance plans. These plans offer a variety of coverage benefits and can be tailored to meet your company's coverage needs and budget.  

Local health insurance plans for individuals in China

These plans are designed to provide individuals and their families who move to China with coverage medical insurance coverage within China only. While these plans are usually adequate for most people, they do tend to have lower coverage limits which means that if you are planning on going to private or international hospitals or clinics in China you are going to have to pay for care once you reach your limit.

Beyond that, these plans tend to only offer cover in China which means that if you want to come back to Hong Kong to receive care, you won't be covered by this plan. This is especially important to be aware of if you see a doctor who works at a private clinic or hospital in Hong Kong on a regular basis - you will be required to pay for care out of pocket, which can be incredibly expensive.

International health insurance plans

International health insurance plans are designed to provide you with cover anywhere in the world. These plans tend to have high coverage limits which affords you the ability to go to private and international hospitals in China for care.

Beyond that, the benefits offered will also cover many of the costs of care at private facilities in Hong Kong which can be ideal for families and individuals who maintain a residence in Hong Kong and wish to travel back here for the generally higher quality of care

These plans aren't just ideal for individuals, they can are also a great choice for companies wishing to secure China health insurance for their employees in Hong Kong who will travel to the mainland regularly for work. Because these plans are cross border, there is no need to secure a separate plan for your employees while they are in China.

Travel insurance for China

If you plan on traveling to China on vacation or for shorter periods e.g., less than a month, then one option you could consider is to secure a travel insurance plan. These plans are designed to cover you while you are out of Hong Kong for short stints and will help with the costs of getting you back to the city should you become ill or injured.

Of course, these plans are designed only to help in an emergency, so if you plan on seeking medical care while in China it would be a good idea to secure another type of plan.

Pacific Prime Hong Kong works with a variety insurers and can help businesses based in Hong Kong who have operations in China secure a China health insurance plan for their employees.

How Pacific Prime Hong Kong can help you secure China health insurance

As a broker, Pacific Prime Hong Kong works with a variety of health insurers in the region and can offer China health insurance plans that meet almost any person's or company's coverage needs. Our knowledgeable staff will work with you to identify your options and secure your plan. We also offer comprehensive support throughout the lifetime of your plan and can help ensure that any claims or renewal of plans goes smoothly.

Contact us today to learn how we can help you secure your China health insurance plan today.

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